Trans: Latin prefix implying "across" or "Beyond", often used in gender nonconforming situations – Scend: Archaic word describing a strong "surge" or "wave", originating with 15th century english sailors – Survival: 15th century english compound word describing an existence only worth transcending.

Category: DIY (Page 1 of 3)

I wrote a mutual aid mental health service

Check out this project here:


There are a few goals of this experimental humanitarian project:
  • recreate the structure group therapy offers; to do this, we host a daily wakeup call at ~8:30 every day via Discord.   Any member with the ‘wakeup-call’ attribute is empowered to initiate, join and call (and- if needed- delegate further wakeup calls, via any means necessary- phone call, discord, email, DMs, doordash coffee delivery to your peer, knock on their door, call their neighbors, drone strike etc) .   I intend to write a utility to automate wakeup phone calls and allow users to securely wake each other up without having their personal info (phone #, address etc).
  • recreate and extend the social and interpersonal aspects of a group therapy program through in-person activities as well as virtual, peer led group sessions
  • experiment with horizontal organization structures with minimal hierarchical organization in  a traditionally stratified space; enable the trusting reliance of individuals to guide group moderation while protecting personal info.

A little financial reporting CLI from the bus

I wrote this lil command line application while riding on a bus to and from New York City- find the project repository here at jesssullivan/AccuWixReport. 😸

This utility generates a variety of concise, merged monthly financial superlative reports in raw markdown, drawing from transaction CSVs exported by Acuity and Wix.

  • “Paid” transaction reports are marked as “paid” by the respective platforms (automatically via credit card or manually upon receiving otherwise untracked currency)
  • “Unpaid” transaction reports were not explicitly marked as “paid”; while the most likely scenario is that this transaction was completed successfully offline (via cash / venmo), an “Unpaid” status may imply the client did not settle up or the transaction was recorded erroneously due to cancellation, revision or other extenuating circumstances.

Intended usage:


python3.12 -m venv accuwix_venv
source accuwix_venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate and print report for January:

 python3 src/ -m Jan

Generate and save all reports to markdown file:

 python3 src/ -all >

Generate a sexy PDF report from markdown file:

pandoc -o output.pdf -V geometry:margin=1in

Display help screen:

 -h   : print this message again 
 -all : generate all reports 
 -m   : `month` (optional); specify a month to generate a superlative report`  

 use any of the following month qualifiers: 
 Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Turkey Probe

A spur-of-the moment turkey thermometer with dubious accuracy, questionable code and unhelpful complexity made of random gahbage.

Uses Steinhart-Hart equation to estimate the temperature from the 8266’s analog pin (this board has a single channel 10 bit ADC) produced by a 100k 104GT-2/104NT-4 thermistor using 10k pullup resistor. The ESP 8266 serves a real-time temperature readout via a websocket connection over the local network.   Find this ridiculous project of mine on Github here:

Turkey Probe in action during thanksgiving

Just moments before thanksgiving

Makerspace financial reporting w/ ipython

Visit this project on github here

  • Merge PayPal & Membershipworks members in a sorta intelligent way to create kinda accurate financial reports
  • Convert a PayPal transaction export into an upsert-able csv to import into membershipworks
  • Keep tabs on PayPal memberships as they become deprecated

(note, you’ll need nbconvert, pandoc, TeX to write to pdf)

…If all goes well, the output will look something like:

loaded **** paypal records
loaded ** existing membershipworks records
converted Date column to datetime objects
kept *** records processed between 01/01/22 and 22/11/21; discarded **** records
discarded **'s Donation Payment record for **, continuing...
discarded **'s PreApproved Payment Bill User Payment record for **, continuing...
** ** already in member list! continuing...
discarded ** **'s Payment Refund record for -**.00, continuing...
discarded ** **'s Donation Payment record for **.00, continuing...
exported: ** Members!
 - ** Standard Members
 - ** Offline Standard Members
 - ** Extra Members
 - ** Offline Extra Members a membershipworks-readable format at ./csv/membershipworks_import.csv

This and that, bits and bobs…

Afternoon scribbles & prints:
…Continuing to fix Jess and Cloud’s New York nest with PLA:
…Experimental microphone hardware for Merlin Sound ID:
YMMV, but YOLO: 3d printing @ IG repo and docs:
…A variety of improvements and updates to the chrome remote desktop automatic patching repo for Ubuntu Budgie

Continue reading

Prius, Printers

Add EV only mode button for 2009 Prius-

Pinouts and wiring reference here:

Big shiny EV mode button in the Prius!

Fusion 360 files here:

Files uploaded to thingiverse here:

xposted to prius chat too:

PLA & Carbon Polycarbonate button housings:

While we’re at it….

See more notes on D&M 3d Printer stuff on github here:
…and here:

While at a safe distance…

…Playing with Bandlab’s Sonar reboot –> morning metal ….Frankly the whole suite (yes, Melodyne, the whole nine yards) is way better than when it was with the late Cakewalk, and its all free now. PSA!

…Unexpected success with
Nylon 680 FDA {3mm @ .8} for some rather delicate parts:

Yet another improved pi monitoring sketch, currently in production w/ polycarbonate & 1/4"… …or to quote Mad-eye Moody, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" 🙂


D&M Shields – Fusion 360

As of 4/4/20, we are busy 3d printing our rigid shield design, efficiently hacked into its current form by Bret here at D&M. click here to visit or download the Fusion files!

The flat, snap-fit nature of this design can easily be lasercut as well- the varied depths of the printed model are just an effort to minimize excess plastic and print time.

More to come on the laser side of things- in addition to the massive time savings- like <20 seconds vs. >3 hours per shield- we can use far cheaper and varied materials with the addition of our sterilizable and durable UV resins and coatings. Similarly, lasercut stock + resin offers the possibility quick adaptation and derivative design, such as [flexible]( UV cured forms.

JDK Management in R

Quickly & forcefully manage extra JDKs in base R
Simplify rJava woes

# get this script:

rJava is depended upon by lots of libraries- XLConnect, OpenStreetMap, many db connectors and is often needed while scripting with GDAL.

library(XLConnect)   # YMMV

Errors while importing a library with depending on a JDK are many, but can (usually) be resolved by reconfiguring the version listed somewhere in the error.

On mac OSX (on Mojave at least), check what you have installed here- (as admin, this is a system path) :

sudo ls  "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ 

I seem to usually have at least half a dozen or more versions in there, between Oracle and openJDK. Being Java, these are basically sandboxed as JVMs and are will not get in each others way.


Unlike JDK configuration for just about everything else, aliasing or exporting a specific release to $PATH will not cut it in R. The shell command to reconfigure for R-

sudo R CMD javareconf

…seems to always choose the wrong JDK. Renaming, hiding, otherwise trying to explain to R the one I want (lib XLConnect currently wants none other than Oracle 11.0.1) is futile.
The end-all solution for me is usually to temporarily move other JDKs elsewhere.
This is not difficult to do now and again, but keeping a CLI totally in R for moving / replacing JDKs makes for organized scripting.

 JDKmanager help: 
 (args are not case sensitive) 
 (usage: `sudo rscript JDKmanager.R help`) 

 list    :: prints contents of default JDK path and removed JDK path 
 reset   :: move all JDKs in removed JDK path back to default JDK path 
 config ::  configure rJava.  equivalent to `R CMD javareconf` in shell 

 specific JDK, such as 11.0.1, 1.8,openjdk-12.0.2, etc: 
    searches through both default and removed pathes for the specific JDK.  
    if found in the default path, any other JDKs will be moved to the `removed JDKs` directory. 
    the specified JDK will be configured for rJava.

Decentralized Pi Video Monitoring w/ motioneye & BATMAN

Visit the me here on Github
Added parabolic musings 10/16/19, see below

…On using motioneye video clients on Pi Zeros & Raspbian over a BATMAN-adv Ad-Hoc network

link: motioneyeos
link: motioneye Daemon
link: Pi Zero W Tx/Rx data sheet:
link: BATMAN Open Mesh

This implementation of motioneye is running on Raspbian Buster (opposed to motioneyeos).

Calculating Mesh Effectiveness w/ Python:
Please take a look at the idea here is one should be able to estimate the maximum plausible distance between mesh nodes before setting anything up. It can be run with no arguments-


…with no arguments, it should use default values (Tx = 20 dBm, Rx = |-40| dBm) to print this:

you can add (default) Rx Tx arguments using the following syntax:
                 python3 20 40
                 python3 <Rx> <Tx>                 

 57.74559999999994 ft = max. mesh node spacing, @
 Rx = 40
 Tx = 20

Regarding the Pi:
The Pi Zero uses an onboard BCM43143 wifi module. See above for the data sheet. We can expect around a ~19 dBm Tx signal from a BCM43143 if we are optimistic. Unfortunately, "usable" Rx gain is unclear in the context of the Pi.

Added 10/16/19:
Notes on generating an accurate parabolic antenna shape with FreeCAD’s Python CLI:

For whatever reason, (likely my own ignorance) I have been having trouble generating an accurate parabolic dish shape in Fusion 360 (AFAICT, Autodesk is literally drenching Fusion 360 in funds right now, I feel obligated to at least try). Bezier, spline, etc curves are not suitable!
If you are not familiar with FreeCAD, the general approach- geometry is formed through fully constraining sketches and objects- is quite different from Sketchup / Tinkercad / Inventor / etc, as most proprietary 3d software does the “constraining” of your drawings behind the scenes. From this perspective, you can see how the following script never actually defines or changes the curve / depth of the parabola; all we need to do is change how much curve to include. A wide, shallow dish can be made by only using the very bottom of the curve, or a deep / narrow dish by including more of the ever steepening parabolic shape.

import Part, math

# musings derived from:

# thinking about units here:
tu = FreeCAD.Units.parseQuantity

def mm(value):
    return tu('{} mm'.format(value))

rs = mm(1.9)
thicken = -(rs / mm(15)) 

# defer to scale during fitting / fillet elsewhere 
# create a parabola with the symmetry axis (0,0,1)

# get only the right part of the curve

# make a solid

# apply a thickness


# Fill screen:
# Remove Part in default env:

FWIW, here is my Python implimentation of a Tx/Rx "Free Space" distance calulator-

from math import log10
from sys import argv
# estimate free space dBm attenuation:
# ...using wfi module BCM43143:

Tx = 19~20 dBm
Rx = not clear how low we can go here

d = distance Tx --> Rx
f = frequency
c = attenuation constant: meters / MHz = -27.55; see here for more info:

f = 2400  # MHz
c = 27.55 # RF attenuation constant (in meters / MHz)

def_Tx = 20  # expected dBm transmit
def_Rx = 40  # (absolute value) of negative dBm thesh

def logdBm(num):
    return 20 * log10(num)

def maxDist(Rx, Tx):
    dBm = 0
    d = .1  # meters!
    while dBm < Tx + Rx:
        dBm = logdBm(d) + logdBm(f) - Tx - Rx + c
        d += .1  # meters!
    return d

# Why not use this with arguments Tx + Rx from shell if we want:
def useargs():
    use = bool
        if len(argv) == 3:
            use = True
        elif len(argv) == 1:
            print('\n\nyou can add (default) Rx Tx arguments using the following syntax: \n \
                python3 20 40 \n \
                python3 <Rx> <Tx> \
            use = False
            print('you must use both Rx & Tx arguments or no arguments')
            raise SystemExit
        print('you must use both Rx & Tx arguments or no arguments')
        raise SystemExit
    return use

def main():

    if useargs() == True:
        arg = [int(argv[1]), int(argv[2])]
        arg = [def_Rx, def_Tx]

    print(str('\n ' + str(maxDist(arg[0], arg[1])*3.281) + \
        ' ft = max. mesh node spacing, @ \n' + \
        ' Rx = ' + str(arg[0]) + '\n' + \
        ' Tx = ' + str(arg[1])))


Summer 2019 Update!

GIS Updates:

Newish Raster / DEM image → STL tool in the Shiny-Apps repo:

See the (non-load balanced!) live example on the Heroku page:

Summarized for a forum member here too:

CAD / CAM Updates:

Been revamping my CNC thoughts- 

Basically, the next move is a complete rebuild (primarily for 6061 aluminum).

I am aiming for:

  • Marlin 2.x.x around either a full-Rambo or 32 bit Archim 1.0 (
  • Dual endstop configuration, CNC only (no hotend support)
  • 500mm2 work area / swappable spoiler boards (~700mm exterior MPCNC conduit length)
  • Continuous compressed air chip clearing, shop vac / cyclone chip removal
  • Two chamber, full acoustic enclosure (cutting space + air I/O for vac and compressor)
  • Full octoprint networking via GPIO relays

FWIW: Sketchup MPCNC:

Also TinkerCAD version:

Electric Drivetrain Development:

BORGI / Axial Flux stuff:

Designed some rough coil winders for motor design here:


Also, an itty-bitty, skate bearing-scale axial flux / 3-phase motor to hack upon:


– Jess

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