Trans: Latin prefix implying "across" or "Beyond", often used in gender nonconforming situations – Scend: Archaic word describing a strong "surge" or "wave", originating with 15th century english sailors – Survival: 15th century english compound word describing an existence only worth transcending.

Author: Jess (Page 3 of 10)

While at a safe distance…

…Playing with Bandlab’s Sonar reboot –> morning metal ….Frankly the whole suite (yes, Melodyne, the whole nine yards) is way better than when it was with the late Cakewalk, and its all free now. PSA!

…Unexpected success with
Nylon 680 FDA {3mm @ .8} for some rather delicate parts:

Yet another improved pi monitoring sketch, currently in production w/ polycarbonate & 1/4"… …or to quote Mad-eye Moody, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" 🙂


Install Adobe Applications on AWS WorkSpaces

By default, the browser based authentication used by Adobe’s Creative Cloud installers will fail on AWS WorkSpace instances. Neither the installer nor Windows provide much in the way of useful error messages- here is how to do it!

Open Server Manager. Under “Local Server”, open the “Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration”- *(mercy!)* – and turn it off.

Good Lord

##### Tada! The sign on handoff from the installer→Browser→ back to installer will now work fine. xD

Convert .heic –> .png

on github here, or just get this script:


Well, following the current course of Apple’s corporate brilliance, iOS now defaults to .heic compression for photos.


Without further delay, let’s convert these to png, here from the sanctuary of Bash in ♡Ubuntu Budgie♡.

Libheif is well documented here on Github BTW

# recursively convert .heic to png
# by Jess Sullivan
# permiss:
# sudo chmod u+x
# installs heif-convert via ppa:
# sudo ./
# run as $USER:
# ./

command -v heif-convert >/dev/null || {

  echo >&2 -e "heif-convert not intalled! \nattempting to add ppa....";

  if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
     echo "sudo is required to install, aborting."
     exit 1

  add-apt-repository ppa:strukturag/libheif
  apt-get install libheif-examples -y
  apt-get update -y

  exit 0


# default behavior:

for fi in *.heic; do

  echo "converting file: $fi"

  heif-convert $fi $fi.png

 # FWIW, convert to .jpg is faster if png is not required 
 # heif-convert $fi $fi.jpg


D&M Shields – Fusion 360

As of 4/4/20, we are busy 3d printing our rigid shield design, efficiently hacked into its current form by Bret here at D&M. click here to visit or download the Fusion files!

The flat, snap-fit nature of this design can easily be lasercut as well- the varied depths of the printed model are just an effort to minimize excess plastic and print time.

More to come on the laser side of things- in addition to the massive time savings- like <20 seconds vs. >3 hours per shield- we can use far cheaper and varied materials with the addition of our sterilizable and durable UV resins and coatings. Similarly, lasercut stock + resin offers the possibility quick adaptation and derivative design, such as [flexible]( UV cured forms.

ppe & whatnot

Yep, we too are busy cooking up protective medical devices…….


& whatnot:

Prototyping bits, bobs for an ada motorsports startup-

ADA auto prototyping

Fast Pi camera stand sketch:

Quick pass at a low friction filament spool holder for some very fragile materials:

Some GDAL shell macros from R instead of rgdal

also here on github

it’s not R sacrilege if nobody knows

Even the little stuff benefits from some organizational scripting, even if it’s just to catalog one’s actions. Here are some examples for common tasks.

Get all the source data into a R-friendly format like csv. ogr2ogr has a nifty option -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT (Well-Known-Text) to keep track of spatial data throughout abstractions- we can add the WKT as a cell until it is time to write the data out again.

# define a shapefile conversion to csv from system's shell:
sys_SHP2CSV <- function(shp) {
  csvfile <- paste0(shp, '.csv')
  shpfile <-paste0(shp, '.shp')
  if (!file.exists(csvfile)) {
    # use -lco GEOMETRY to maintain location
    # for reference, shp --> geojson would look like:
    # system('ogr2ogr -f geojson output.geojson input.shp')
    # keeps geometry as WKT:
    cmd <- paste('ogr2ogr -f CSV', csvfile, shpfile, '-lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT')
    system(cmd)  # executes command
  } else {
    print(paste('output file already exists, please delete', csvfile, 'before converting again'))

Read the new csv into R:

# for file 'foo.shp':
foo_raw <- read.csv(sys_SHP2CSV(shp='foo'), sep = ',')

One might do any number of things now, some here lets snag some columns and rename them:

# rename the subset of data "foo" we want in a data.frame:
foo <- data.frame(foo_raw[1:5])
colnames(foo) <- c('bar', 'eggs', 'ham', 'hello', 'world')

We could do some more careful parsing too, here a semicolon in cell strings can be converted to a comma:

# replace ` ; ` to ` , ` in col "bar":
foo$bar <- gsub(pattern=";", replacement=",", foo$bar)

Do whatever you do for an output directory:

# make a output file directory if you're into that
# my preference is to only keep one set of output files per run
# here, we'd reset the directory before adding any new output files
redir <- function(outdir) {
  if (dir.exists(outdir)) {
    system(paste('rm -rf', outdir))

Of course, once your data is in R there are countless "R things" one could do…

# iterate to fill empty cells with preceding values
for (i in 1:length(foo[,1])) {
  if (nchar(foo$bar[i]) < 1) {
    foo$bar[i] <- foo$bar[i-1]
  # fill incomplete rows with NA values:
  if (nchar(foo$bar[i]) < 1) {
    foo[i,] <- NA  

# remove NA rows if there is nothing better to do:
newfoo <- na.omit(foo)

Even though this is totally adding a level of complexity to what could be a single ogr2ogr command, I’ve decided it is still worth it- I’d definitely rather keep track of everything I do over forget what I did…. xD

# make some methods to write out various kinds of files via gdal:
to_GEO <- function(target) {
  print(paste('converting', target, 'to geojson .... '))
  system(paste('ogr2ogr -f', " geojson ",  paste0(target, '.geojson'), paste0(target, '.csv')))

to_SHP <- function(target) {
  print(paste('converting ', target, ' to ESRI Shapefile .... '))
  system(paste('ogr2ogr -f', " 'ESRI Shapefile' ",  paste0(target, '.shp'), paste0(target, '.csv')))

# name files:
foo_name <- 'output_foo'

# for table data 'foo', first:
write.csv(foo, paste0(foo_name, '.csv'))

# convert with the above csv:


IDS AP: Scripting

IDS Applied Project (AP)

Jess Sullivan


The academic evolution described in “Network Driven, Open Source Collaboration and Higher Education: Academic Parallels” (my RA) can be exemplified through a variety of current projects forming my Applied Project (AP). Open Source Software (OSS) may be described as a geographically dispersed continuation of the academic goals found in brick and mortar universities. Perhaps the most common manifestation of OSS methodologies and features- shared commentary and work organization, a Version Control System, and a way to ask for and give advice- is the sharing of scripts.

Scripting may be generalized as the practice of writing small utilities and programs to make technology-specific tasks simpler. Regardless of an Individual developer’s project goals or needs, many tasks pertaining to a specific set of tools or language will be the same for everyone. Common tasks- such as installing complex software prerequisites, managing project dependencies (the layers of tools on which a project is built), or setting up a development environment (a reproducible “sandbox” in which one can work, fiddle, and make mistakes without disrupting anything else) are different for every technology, operating system and language, and are often subject to change as time goes on.

The following are a variety of READMEs (in English; the actual scripts are in scripting languages like Python or Bash Shell!) from scripts of mine contributed over the course of this semester (also in the form of ePort blog posts).

return to index
Link- Scripting for rJava ||

Quickly & forcefully manage extra JDKs in base R
Simplify rJava woes

# get this script:

rJava is depended upon by lots of libraries- XLConnect, OpenStreetMap, many db connectors and is often needed while scripting with GDAL.

library(XLConnect)   # YMMV

Errors while importing a library with depending on a JDK are many, but can (usually) be resolved by reconfiguring the version listed somewhere in the error.

On mac OSX (on Mojave at least), check what you have installed here- (as admin, this is a system path) :

sudo ls  "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ 

I seem to usually have at least half a dozen or more versions in there, between Oracle and openJDK. Being Java, these are basically sandboxed as JVMs and are will not get in each others way.


Unlike JDK configuration for just about everything else, aliasing or exporting a specific release to $PATH will not cut it in R. The shell command to reconfigure for R:

sudo R CMD javareconf

seems to always choose the wrong JDK. Renaming, hiding, otherwise trying to explain to R the one I want (lib XLConnect currently wants none other than Oracle 11.0.1) is futile.
The end-all solution for me is usually to temporarily move other JDKs elsewhere.
This is not difficult to do now and again, but keeping a CLI totally in R for moving / replacing JDKs makes for organized scripting.

return to index
Link- Scripting for Raspian on QEMU ||

Using QEMU for Raspian ARM

single ARM guest configuration tested on Mac OSX 10.14.6 host
experimental multi-guest support for Ubuntu 18.04 host (Gnome / Budgie) over virtual network bridge

Emulates a variety of Raspian releases on proper ARM hardware with QEMU.


QEMU and wget (OSX homebrew)

# OSX:
brew install qemu wget 

# Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm -y

Get the Python3 CLI in this repo:


info – multiple guests over virtual bridge (.deb distros only):

  • multiple guests get unique MAC addresses
  • see / for required packages

# permiss shell scripts with ``` sudo chmod u+x ... ``` 

sudo ./

# switch to bridge br0:
sudo ./

# back to normal host network:
sudo ./

# add network bits for host:
rm /etc/network/interfaces  # existing lo file
cp interfaces /etc/network/  # replace from this repo
cp qemu-ifup /etc/

usage – single guest:

After the first launch, it will launch from the persistent .qcow2 image.

With no arguments & in a new folder, Raspian "stretch-lite" (no desktop environment) will be:

  • downloaded as a zip archive with a release kernel
  • unarchived –> to img
  • converted to a Qcow2 with 8gb allocated as disk
  • launched from Qcow2 as administrator
sudo python3 

optional guest configuration arguments:

  • -h prints CLI usage help
  • -rm removes ALL files added in dir with
  • stretch uses standard graphical stretch release with GUI
  • stretchlite for stretchlite release [default!]
  • buster for standard graphical buster release [YMMV]
  • busterlite for busterlite release [YMMV]
# examples:
sudo python3 busterlite
python3 QEMU_Raspian -h  # print help

# YMMV: burn / backup as .img:     

to burn the new image back to an SD card for a hardware Pi:     

# bash
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw file.qcow2 file.img

return to index
Link- Scripting GDAL for GIS Students ||

GIS Shortcuts

GDAL on OSX, Ubuntu & Windows WSL

Bash is great: It is a shell scripting language that is baked into every new Apple computer and many, many Linux distributions too. It is fun to learn and easy to find your “insert repetitive task here” to Bash translation on Stack Exchange, just a search away. As you uses the command prompt more and more for increasingly cool GIS tasks- be it for Python QGIS OR ESRI, R language for data cleaning and analysis, or just because you noticed you can get “mad amounts of work done” at increasingly faster rates- your vocabulary in the UNIX shell and bash will naturally grow.

I wanted to make a GIS post for Mac OS because it is both under-represented (for great reasons) in GIS and arguably the number 1 choice for any discerning consumers of computer hardware.

Many Linux OS options are faster for much of this “UNIX for GIS”, as quite a few of the things we need are already included with many Debian / Ubuntu distros, and come forms that have been stable for a long, long time.

If you are looking to setup a system primarily for GIS / data science (disregarding ESRI of course), See my initial notes on the Ubuntu variant Pop_OS by System76. If you like the ChromeOS vibe for multitasking and simplicity and the familiarity of Mac OS, it is a keeper (and also a sleeper, seeing how many folks are still on Windows for GIS…….).

Open Terminal
(The less you have in your way on your screen, the faster you can go!) xD

Note: in my opinion, homebrew and macPorts are good ideas- try them! If you don’t have it, get it now:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

(….However, port or brew installing QGIS and GDAL (primarily surrounding the delicate links between QGIS / GDAL / Python 2 & 3 / OSX local paths) can cause baffling issues. If possible, don’t do that. Use QGIS installers from the official site and build from source!)

if you need to resolve issues with your GDAL packages via removal:
on MacPorts, try similar:

sudo port uninstall qgis py37-gdal

# on homebrew, list then remove (follow its instructions):

brew list
brew uninstall gdal geos gdal2  

!!! NOTE: I am investigating more reliable built-from-source solutions for gdal on mac.


There are numerous issues with brew-installed gdal. Those I have run into include:

  • linking issues with the crucial directory “gdal-data” (libraries)
  • linking issues Python bindings and python 2 vs. 3 getting confused
  • internal raster library conflicts against the gdal requirements
  • Proj.4 inconsistencies (see source notes below)
  • OSX Framework conflicts with source / brew / port (
  • Linking conflicts with old, qgis default / LTR libraries against new ones
  • Major KML discrepancies: expat standard vs libkml.
    brew install gdal
    # brew install qgis can work well too.  At least you can unbrew it!

Next, assuming your GDAL is not broken (on Mac OS this is rare and considered a miracle):

# double check CLI is working:
gdalinfo --version
# “GDAL 2.4.0, released 2018/12/14”
# list of args

Using Ubuntu GDAL on Windows w/ WSL

LINK: get the WSL shell from Microsoft

# In the WSL shell:

sudo apt-get install python3.6-dev -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev -y
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin -y

# See here for more notes including Python bindings:

In a new Shell:

# Double check the shell does indeed have GDAL in $PATH:
gdalinfo --version

To begin- try a recent GIS assignment that relies on the ESRI mosaic system and lots of GUI and clicking but use GDAL instead.

Data source:

!! Warning! These files are not projected in a way ESRI or GDAL understands. They WILL NOT HAVE A LOCATION IN QGIS. They will, however, satisfy the needs of the assignment.

# wget on mac is great.  This tool (default on linux) lets us grab GIS data from
# most providers, via FTP and similar protocols.

brew install wget

make some folders

mkdir GIS_Projects && cd GIS_Projects

use wget to download every .dem file (-A .dem) from the specified folder and sub-folders (-r)

wget -r -A .dem


make an index file of only .dem files.
(If we needed to download other files and keep them from our wget (more common)
this way we can still sort the various files for .dem)

ls -1 *.dem > dem_list.txt

use gdal to make state-plane referenced “Output_merged.tif” from the list of files
in the index we made.
it will use a single generic "0 0 255" band to show gradient. -init "0 0 255" -o Output_Merged.tif --optfile dem_list.txt

copy the resulting file to desktop, then return home

cp Output_Merged.tif ~/desktop && cd

if you want (recommended):

rm -rf GIS_Projects  # remove .dem files.  Some are huge!

In Finder at in ~/desktop, open the new file with QGIS. A normal photo viewer will NOT show any detail.

Need to make something like this a reusable script? In Terminal, just a few extra steps:

mkdir GIS_Scripts && cd GIS_Scripts

open an editor + filename. Nano is generally pre-installed on OSX.



  • ctrl+X , then Y for yes

make your file runnable:

chmod u+x

run with ./


You can now copy + paste your script anywhere you want and run it there. scripts like this should not be exported to your global path / bashrc and will only work if they are in the directory you are calling them: If you need a global script, there are plenty of ways to do that too.

See /Notes_GDAL/ for notes on building GDAL from source on OSX

return to index
Link- Scripting for Mesh Networking ||

Decentralized Video Monitoring over a Pi ‘Zero W’ Mesh Network

Using motioneye video clients on Raspbian & a BATMAN-adv Ad-Hoc network

link: motioneyeos
link: motioneye Daemon
link: Pi Zero W Tx/Rx data sheet:
link: BATMAN Open Mesh

The Pi Zero uses an onboard BCM43143 wifi module. See above for the data sheet.
We can expect around a ~19 dBm Tx signal from a BCM43143 if we are optimistic. Unfortunately, "usable" Rx gain is unclear in the context of the Pi.

This implementation of motioneye is running on Raspbian Buster (opposed to motioneyeos).

Calculating Mesh Effectiveness w/ Python:

Please take a look at the idea here is one should be able to estimate the maximum plausible distance between mesh nodes before setting anything up. It can be run with no arguments-


…with no arguments, it should use default values (Tx = 20 dBm, Rx = |-40| dBm) to print this:

you can add (default) Rx Tx arguments using the following syntax:
                 python3 20 40
                 python3 <Rx> <Tx>                 

 57.74559999999994 ft = max. mesh node spacing, @
 Rx = 40
 Tx = 20

Try a few values from a shell or take a look in the file for more info.

Order of Operations:

All shell scripts should be privileged to match chmod u+x and assume a Raspbian Buster environment.

See ./ to configure motioneye.
See ./ to install & configure BATMAN-adv.
See ./ to initialize the network
See batmanBATSpace.service for a systemd service framework

return to index
Link- Scripting Octoprint ||


Serial over Network Plugin for Octoprint

remote setup:

# install depends:
pip3 install Requests
sudo apt-get install usbip
# nohup usbipd &  # starts daemon, this is run from the python script 

# move files to destinations:
cp ~
sudo cp client.service /etc/systemd/client.service

# start systemd service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable client.service

# reboot for changes to take effect:
sudo reboot

server setup:

# install depends:
sudo apt-get install linux-tools-generic
sudo modprobe vhci-hcd


Intended for remote Pi Zeros (raspian + motioneye) installed around our facility.
A central server manages motioneye streams, OctoPrint, job slicing, etc.

Serial device (e.g. 3d printer) connected to a remote client is mounted on the server using the Debian usbip package.

As of 10/28/19, scripts / functions have yet to be merged into the OctoPrint plugin scaffold.

return to index
Link- Scripting for WiFi Captive Portal ||


Some distros (Ubuntu and its derivatives on my Macbook for instance) struggle to find a route to the captive portal on public networks (read: Starbucks). Assuming you want to connect the way they intend (via the gateway through the captive portal) because you are a rule abiding patron, all you need to do is visit the address of the gateway. There is no need to fiddle with your network drivers, disable SSL stuff or engage in plebian network tomfoolery.

find and open wifi captive portal (such as Starbucks)
written by Jess Sullivan
from netifaces import gateways
from sys import argv
from time import sleep
import subprocess

help_str = str("\n " +
               'usage: \n ' +
               ' -h : print this message again \n' +
               ' -i : `pip3 install netifaces`  \n' +
               'You may specify a browser argument to complete the portal, such as \n' +

def argtype():
        if len(argv) > 1:
            use = True
        elif len(argv) == 1:
            use = False
            print('command takes 0 or 1 args, use -h for help')
            raise SystemExit
        print('arg error... \n command takes 0 or 1 args, use -h for help')
        raise SystemExit
    return use

def main():

    all_gates = gateways()
    target = all_gates['default'][2][0]

    if argtype():

        if argv[1] == '-h':

        if argv[1] == '-i':
                subprocess.Popen('pip3 install netifaces',
                print('err running pip3 install netifaces')


            print(str('opening portal in ' + argv[1]))
            subprocess.Popen(str(argv[1] + ' ' + str(target)),


        print(str('\n please visit address ' + target +
                  ' in a browser to complete portal setup \n'))


Ubuntu on Captive Portal WiFi


Some distros (Ubuntu and its derivatives on my Macbook for instance) struggle to find a route to the captive portal on public networks (read: Starbucks). Assuming you want to connect the way they intend (via the gateway through the captive portal) because you are a rule abiding patron, all you need to do is visit the address of the gateway. There is no need to fiddle with your network drivers, disable SSL stuff or engage in plebian network tomfoolery.

find and open wifi captive portal (such as Starbucks)
written by Jess Sullivan
from netifaces import gateways
from sys import argv
from time import sleep
import subprocess

help_str = str("\n " +
               'usage: \n ' +
               ' -h : print this message again \n' +
               ' -i : `pip3 install netifaces`  \n' +
               'You may specify a browser argument to complete the portal, such as \n' +

def argtype():
        if len(argv) > 1:
            use = True
        elif len(argv) == 1:
            use = False
            print('command takes 0 or 1 args, use -h for help')
            raise SystemExit
        print('arg error... \n command takes 0 or 1 args, use -h for help')
        raise SystemExit
    return use

def main():

    all_gates = gateways()
    target = all_gates['default'][2][0]

    if argtype():

        if argv[1] == '-h':

        if argv[1] == '-i':
                subprocess.Popen('pip3 install netifaces',
                print('err running pip3 install netifaces')


            print(str('opening portal in ' + argv[1]))
            subprocess.Popen(str(argv[1] + ' ' + str(target)),


        print(str('\n please visit address ' + target +
                  ' in a browser to complete portal setup \n'))


JDK Management in R

Quickly & forcefully manage extra JDKs in base R
Simplify rJava woes

# get this script:

rJava is depended upon by lots of libraries- XLConnect, OpenStreetMap, many db connectors and is often needed while scripting with GDAL.

library(XLConnect)   # YMMV

Errors while importing a library with depending on a JDK are many, but can (usually) be resolved by reconfiguring the version listed somewhere in the error.

On mac OSX (on Mojave at least), check what you have installed here- (as admin, this is a system path) :

sudo ls  "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ 

I seem to usually have at least half a dozen or more versions in there, between Oracle and openJDK. Being Java, these are basically sandboxed as JVMs and are will not get in each others way.


Unlike JDK configuration for just about everything else, aliasing or exporting a specific release to $PATH will not cut it in R. The shell command to reconfigure for R-

sudo R CMD javareconf

…seems to always choose the wrong JDK. Renaming, hiding, otherwise trying to explain to R the one I want (lib XLConnect currently wants none other than Oracle 11.0.1) is futile.
The end-all solution for me is usually to temporarily move other JDKs elsewhere.
This is not difficult to do now and again, but keeping a CLI totally in R for moving / replacing JDKs makes for organized scripting.

 JDKmanager help: 
 (args are not case sensitive) 
 (usage: `sudo rscript JDKmanager.R help`) 

 list    :: prints contents of default JDK path and removed JDK path 
 reset   :: move all JDKs in removed JDK path back to default JDK path 
 config ::  configure rJava.  equivalent to `R CMD javareconf` in shell 

 specific JDK, such as 11.0.1, 1.8,openjdk-12.0.2, etc: 
    searches through both default and removed pathes for the specific JDK.  
    if found in the default path, any other JDKs will be moved to the `removed JDKs` directory. 
    the specified JDK will be configured for rJava.
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