Trans: Latin prefix implying "across" or "Beyond", often used in gender nonconforming situations – Scend: Archaic word describing a strong "surge" or "wave", originating with 15th century english sailors – Survival: 15th century english compound word describing an existence only worth transcending.

Author: Jess (Page 10 of 10)

Music Sketches 1: Playing with rhythm, division, and jazzy chords

Piano and straight up 4/4 drums:

Here we have an interesting chord progression idea.   In the 4/4 groove, the piano plays the second chord on the “and” of 2… Very cool.   The pickup for the second chord starts on two, as I visualized in the midi roll diagram.

With a root of C (what I played it in), this could be called C minor to D flat, major 7, while at the end of the fourth bar the progression finishes on G7.

(beta) – How to build “The Phone Charger”


Imagine, any AA or 9v battery could charge your phone and other USB gadgets.   Behold, the LM780!

This is a voltage regulator chip.  Stick between 5 and, say, 9 volts in one end and huzzah! (about) 5 volts pops out the other end.  these cost a few dimes and can be had on ebay 10 for 4$.

Below is the BOM:  (to make 10 chargers!)

Sourced via ebay:
$4:  10x of LM780 5v
$4:  10x of little toggle switches
$4:  10x of 9v snap connectors (I used a 6v supply from AAs but as far as the chip is concerned it doesn’t matter to much.  (I am reading 4.~ volts and enough power to charge a phone out of mine now)
$0: PCB-  Technically they aren’t even needed, but for our uses they make the soldering and building more straightforward.
$1:  10x of USB A ports from China
$?: Casing- be creative.  I want to make one in a shrink-wrapped tube or 3d printed box or something.
First, lay the parts out like so:
…notice how when facing the shiny side of the chip, the left leg is in line with the left hand side of the USB port when looking into the port:

Then arrange them like so:

…Notice I squished the power wires under the bent pins.  RED GOES TO THE PIN ON THE RIGHT when facing the shiny side, and BLACK GOES TO THE MIDDLE ONE.

…The remaining leg is attached to the far left pin on the USB port (when facing the chip’s shiny side remember).

Then it works!!  YAY!

Here I verify it works by charging my commercial usb charger with my DIY duct tape one:

Good luck!


Opportunistic birding: 14/12/2016

Today, I am in a good mood and feel happy because:  

The two Bohemian waxwings were still hanging around the museum of cedar waxwings, both of whom arrived yesterday.  Bohemian waxwings special because they are far, far rarer than the cedar waxwings.  The cedars are pretty snazzy-looking by themselves, and I look at them in my daily travels too.   One can tell the bohemians apart by the crimson/burgundy/rufus color under the tail and around the face.  They are also a bit bigger, but that’s only helpful if one can compare a cedar with a bohemian at the same time (which is still useful because, as we can see, they like to travel around together).  This was opportunistic because I “birded” only in transit, as my route to my dorm door takes me under the waxwing tree.

What does this mean?

Opportunistic birding is a easily one of the most rewarding ways to enhance life on earth.  Imagine deriving copious amounts of joy and justification every day, revolving around the day-to-day views of exotic birds.   Are there really that many exotic birds wandering around a tree near you?  Absolutely.  Everywhere I have lived and traveled to, I will find at least one exciting bird –that is, if I tune in correctly.   The first part of finding divine avian joy is simple;

  • Decide birds are fascinating, exciting, and scattered around you like a Where’s Waldo? original
  • Allow the innate curiosity and “buzz” be way more important than immediate applicability
  • Subsequently decide to read and research as much as possible in large binges about local birds…
    • Join E-bird
    • Download Merlin (North America and growing)
    • subscribe to all the local bird lists and updates
    • Visit your local sanctuary, patch of woods, river, marsh, sea bog, neighbor’s bird feeder

Then, once you know a robin and from a heron, a “murder” of fish crows from a “tournament” of wintering white throated sparrows to a “museum” of mixed cedar waxwings, you are done (with part one…)…

…Now the real fun begins!  You will know you have reached part two when:

  • You are walking to work or class and hear some chips and beeps…
    • it is winter:  You are inland, in a light mixed habitat of new-growth trees and leafless shrubby plants:
    • 2+2=4: this must mean there are small passerines wintering, likely in a mixed flock
  • You stop for 30 seconds; You hear fleeting piece of a sonorous whistle, then a flit with vertical slate and white stripes
    • 4+1+1=6:  You feel euphoric and grandiose, then continue walking to class, thinking happily about the slate-colored-junco group you just witnessed containing a single white-throated sparrow.  You arrive to your destination on time, unharmed, and in a jovial condition.

…This is opportunistic birding.   Good Luck!


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